Inside AFP

Passing of Jean-Pierre Vignolle, Former Commercial Director and Managing Director of AFP

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Jean-Pierre Vignolle, at the age of 77.

Jean-Pierre, coming from IP, the advertising agency of RTL group,  joined the Agency in 2000, as commercial director, tasked with building up the commercial network which on his arrival was still in its infancy. An energetic and great organizer, who traveled tirelessly to the different offices of the Agency, in France and abroad, building a team of experienced salespeople, and accelerating the professionalization of the sales department, which was essential to the financial independence of AFP. Jean-Pierre also introduced marketing to the Agency and initiated a dialogue between the sales department and the editorial professions.

Pierre Louette, who became CEO of AFP in 2005, promoted Jean-Pierre Vignolle to Managing Director in January 2006. With determination, rigor and intelligence, "JPV", as his close friends and colleagues called him, was responsible for the clear recovery of AFP accounts, leaving an Agency with largely healthy finances at the end of his mandate in December 2010.

An engineer by training, then a sociologist, an avid reader and lover of contemporary art, Jean-Pierre had forged ties of friendship with great artists then unknown. His professional qualities and his strong character, were accompanied by a great sense of friendship and loyalty.

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