Inside AFP

'Your Planet' Podcast, Episode 6: 'Water: a source for life and tensions.'


Welcome back to Your Planet, a podcast series brought to you in association with The Conversation that delves into potential solutions for addressing climate change and the ecological crisis.

Welcome back to Your Planet a podcast series from AFP brought to you in association with The Conversation, that delves into solutions for addressing climate change. We’ve been examining those planetary boundaries, the red lines that scientists say must not be crossed or else we are in big trouble. This time our focus is on water. We all rely on it, from humans to animals to plants, nothing can survive without water. Around 70 percent of Earth’s surface is made up of water, but the problem for us is that the majority of that water is salt water from our oceans. Barely three percent is freshwater, and around one percent of that is clean, accessible drinking water. 

There are clear reasons to be concerned about a possibility of rising conflicts and tensions, not only within communities but also neighbouring countries linked to water, but what role does water diplomacy play? 

For more information, read this article in The Conversation about Zaï, a farming technique of digging pits in less permeable soil to catch water and concentrate compost.


The sixth episode, "Water : a source for life and tensions", available now: 



Host: Anna Cunningham 
Executive producer: Michaëla Cancela-Kieffer
Editing: Camille Kauffmann
Sound design: Nicolas Vair with Irma Cabrero-Abanto and Sebastián Villanueva

This project is funded by the European Journalism Centre, through the Solutions Journalism Accelerator. This fund is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AFP and The Conversation maintained their editorial independence throughout this project.