Inside AFP

Phil Chetwynd to attend BBC's Trust in News Conference 2023


The third successive BBC's Trust in News global webcast is back this year and will take place in London and Delhi on Thursday, March 30, 2023.


The conference will include a panel with AFP Global News Director Phil Chetwynd at 11.45 am CET on the topic of "Russia & Ukraine – bearing witness. Investigators show how the use of open-source and verification tools help reveal the truth".

>> Join the conference online

>> Check out the complete progamme

Watch excerpt of the promotion video that includes a clip from Phil Chetwynd, followed by an extract of an AFP Fact Check video with journalist François D'Astier:

François D'Astier's complete video "Satellite images, on the ground reporting undo Kremlin Bucha claims" is available on YouTube,  in English and in French.