Inside AFP

One million subscribers reached on AFP's YouTube channel in English


Steadily growing its audience over the past three years, AFP's YouTube channel in English has reached one million subscribers. This milestone shows the mounting interest in AFP’s video production on this platform which brings together more than 2 billion users around the world.

In total, AFP’s YouTube channels in our 6 languages ​have more than 3.7 million subscribers, with the French and Spanish channels following closely behind English in subscriber numbers.

The channels show a selection of AFP's video coverage in a ready-to-publish format suitable for digital use as well as longer content: explainers, replays of live events or full interviews. These formats have been conceived especially for online by our digital video team which is currently composed of 4 journalists in Paris and London working in synergy with video teams around the world.

Starting in 2020, AFP has experienced sustained growth on YouTube (increase in subscribers, revenue, number of views). This growth has been driven in part by the interest in the pandemic and other major global events which have been echoed regionally in our different languages: Covid-19, US Election, African features, etc.

Our audience on YouTube is young: most are between 18 and 44 years old – 28% are 25 to 34 years old. Our audience is also predominantly male (77%). In the different languages, our content is popular among audiences in Brazil, the United States, India, Mexico, France, Germany, Indonesia, Argentina, Pakistan, Vietnam and Spain.