Inside AFP

News agencies join forces for European Union data journalism site

AFP is joining forces with Italy's ANSA news agency and Germany's DPA to launch a new website offering data journalism on the European Union.

The European Data News Hub will launch in June and offer text reporting, still and interactive graphics, photos and videos in five languages, AFP said in a statement Wednesday.

The website will be free to access and available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

The site "aims to inform and inspire debate about events shaping the lives of people in Europe and across the world, ranging from the state of the environment to the impact of migration or unemployment", AFP said.

"Following the launch of the hub, other data journalism specialists and news agencies from across Europe will be invited to take part and contribute, creating a truly European data driven news platform."

The three news agencies will distribute the content on their networks, reaching a worldwide audience including newspapers, websites, TV and radio stations.

The site will receive a grant from the European Commission but will be fully independent editorially.