Inside AFP

En Route Vers Paris: Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in Beijing


On Wednesday April 17 AFP's Beijing office and the French Embassy opened a photo exhibition titled ‘En route vers Paris’ (The Road to Paris), marking 100 days until the start of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. 


Based on the theme of sport and its emotions, 25 photos will be on display until September 8 at the French Institute in Beijing, while another 12 will be exhibited at the French Embassy. From athletics to swimming, long jump to table tennis, a variety of sporting disciplines are represented, featuring images from the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as world championships. 

Accompanied by the Phryges (Phrygian Caps), the official Games mascots, France's ambassador to China, Bertrand Lortholary, and AFP's director for China and Mongolia, Katell Abiven, kicked off the exhibition, which also includes free postcard prints of ten of the photographs on display.