Inside AFP

CrossCheck wins award at ONA 2017 in Washington

The CrossCheck project, which included AFP and fact-checked the French presidential election, was awarded the “Planned News/Events, small newsrooms” prize at the Online News Association (ONA) conference in Washington. The three-day event which ended at the weekend was attended by around 3,000 people.

At the closing ceremony, 29 projects / media outlets including the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Guardian US Mobile Innovation Lab, the Globe and Mail and le Temps received OJAs (Online Journalism Awards).

In September, CrossCheck was the subject of a presentation at the Google News Lab Summit at Google’s Mountain View campus, attended by around 170 journalists from around the world.


From left to right : Mandy Jenkins (Storyful), Claire Wardle (First Draft News), Brigitte Dusseau (AFP) and Tom Trewinnard (Meedan)From left to right : Mandy Jenkins (Storyful), Claire Wardle (First Draft News), Brigitte Dusseau (AFP) and Tom Trewinnard (Meedan)