Inside AFP

Annual Release of Gender Equality Professional Index

We're pleased to announce that AFP has achieved a score of 98 out of 100 in the calculation of the Gender Equality Professional Index for 2023. This marks a notable improvement from the previous year's score of 92. 


Breaking the results down by indicators: 

  • Indicator 1, addressing the gender pay gap: 38/40; 
  • Indicator 2, focusing on the gap in individual salary increases: 20/20; 
  • Indicator 3, concerning the gap in promotion rates: 15/15; 
  • Indicator 4, regarding the percentage of female employees receiving a salary increase in the year following maternity leave: Not calculable (15/15 by default); 
  • Indicator 5, considering the number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the top 10 earners: 10/10. 

This represents AFP's highest score since the introduction of the index in 2018. 

The improvement in the index compared to 2022 is primarily attributed to earning full points for Indicator 5, reflecting an increased number of women among the top 10 earners.  

This positive trend is the result of AFP's proactive approach to gender equality over the past few years, particularly through: 


Conventional commitments: 

The Agreement of March 10, 2017, and its amendments, which include: 

  • A reduction of working hours by 30 minutes per day starting from the 6th month of pregnancy; 
  • A maternity leave duration set at 4 months; 
  • Full recognition of seniority (company, professional, and career plan) during parental leave, up to a limit of 3 years; 
  • Adjustment of the number of telecommuting days during pregnancy. 

Successive agreements signed during negotiations on professional equality and quality of work life. For example, the agreement signed in June 2022 for a new 4-year period includes measures such as: 

  • In the context of the bonus and promotion campaign, "particular attention should be paid to reducing salary gaps and differences in career progression between women and men, so that the gender for which a salary gap is identified may be overrepresented among the beneficiaries." 


Implementation of preventive action against discrimination and sexist behaviours, including: ​

  • Launch of several initiatives on the role of women in editorial content; 
  • Implementation of anti-harassment and anti-sexist behaviour training for several years; 
  • Awareness campaigns during the deployment in 2021 of the procedure for reporting incidents of moral, sexual harassment, and discrimination; 
  • Commitment from the Management to maintain the salary at 100% during paternity leave and child care following the extension of its duration from 11 to 25 days in 2021. 


Additionally, the law for economic and professional equality between women and men stipulates the annual disclosure of representation gaps between women and men in leadership positions. 

This law sets the objective that the proportion of representatives of each gender in leadership positions cannot be less than 30% from March 1, 2026. ​

In this regard, AFP already complies with and even exceeds this obligation as: 

  • The Agency's Board of Directors is composed of 8 women and 8 men; 
  • Among the 22 members of the Executive Committee, 8 are women. They represent 36.4% of the COMEX workforce (compared to 42% of the staff across the Agency). 

The Management reaffirms its commitment to the principles of professional equality between women and men and its intention to continue implementing measures to support these principles.