Inside AFP

AFP Fact Check video playlists win third place in the Global Media Awards

The AFP Fact Check video playlist “How to Verify Information Online” (and versions in French and Spanish) have won third place in the 2024 Global Media Awards, organised by the International News Media Association (INMA).


The playlists were among 10 finalists in the category of ‘Best New Video Product or Feature.’  

The short videos share tips and examples from AFP's digital investigation team across the globe. The project was launched in October 2022 and new videos are regularly published on AFP's YouTube channels and other social networks.  

INMA's annual awards competition attracted 771 entries from 245 news brands in 43 countries. The results were announced on April 25 at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.  
According to INMA's website, the judging process involved 60 media experts from 23 countries, who assessed entries in February based on criteria such as “breakthrough results, unique concepts, strong creativity, innovative thinking, and winning synergies across platforms.” 

INMA is a global community of market-leading news media companies reinventing how they engage audiences and grow revenue.