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MediaConnect (AFP subsidiary): new website on its first anniversary

As it celebrates its first birthday, the AFP subsidiary, which is specialized in simplifying PRs, has just launched its new website. It marks a new stage in its development.


True to its promise, it was imperative that it be as close as possible to the needs of information and communication professionals. MediaConnect, a new digital newsroom and subsidiary of AFP, therefore launched its brand-new website last days:

This more fluid and intuitive version is a reminder of MediaConnect’s ambition, which has been working since day one, for more virtuous relations between journalists and communicators. Moreover, it is in line with the good results observed by the AFP subsidiary since its launch last year.

MediaConnect has now 15,000 journalists registered to its service. These journalists can access, according to their preferences, the content produced by its 100 or so clients who distribute content on the platform. Among them, some are major players: some are institutional, others from the automotive, insurance or luxury sectors. The complete list can be found on the MediaConnect website.

This is already a promising result for the future of the young company, in a context of crisis of confidence in PR. Once again, the trend is confirmed: barely 48% of journalists say they are satisfied with their relations with communicators (Cision, 2022).

‘‘These results illustrate above all the confidence placed in our solution. They consolidate the relevance of our purpose and support us in the continuation of our action’’, the Managing Director of MediaConnect, Anne Boussarie, analyzes.

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