AFP & Relaxnews launch a Lifestyle publication

AFP and Relaxnews have signed an agreement with Amazon in the US to distribute AFP-Relaxnews, a daily publication available on the Kindle and Kindle Fire, in both English and French.

Everyday of the week except Saturday, the AFP-Relaxnews publications offer Kindle users the opportunity to escape from their daily routines with positive news. Topics range from travel and health, to luxury and technology, all selected from the global AFP-Relaxnews leisure newswire. Kindle enthusiasts can subscribe to the daily publication for just $2.99 (monthly), or $1.49 (per edition).


Jerome and Pierre Doncieux, co-presidents of Relaxnews said: “the launch on the Kindle allows us to reach a new audience in the tablet's high-growth market, with a leading and dynamic partner. AFP and Relaxnews have joined forces to become the world leaders in leisure news and this partnership reflects our strategy.”


Olivier Lombardie, Marketing and Sales Director at AFP, added: "AFP stays up-to-date with current trends in society, culture and lifestyle, and offers unique coverage of the latest evolutions in the ways in which we live our lives."

Access to the English version

Access to the French version


The AFP-Relaxnews service is the world’s first leisure newswire. It offers content in both English and in French:

- 1 600 illustrated news items a month covering Well being, House & Home, Entertainment, Tourism

- The 100 must see events: a rotating schedule of 100 must-see cultural & leisure events around the world

- 60 slide shows a month. One slide show includes at least 6 captioned pictures with comments

- 40 Paris Modes Tv videos and 30 AFP lifestyle videos report a month, available for webcast and broadcast


The AFP-Relaxnews service is available by subscription and can be used for web, print, mobile, social media and digital signage. More than 80 customers in 20 countries worldwide rely on the AFP-Relaxnews service such as The Independent, Yahoo, MSN, Cyberpresse, Quebecor, Buongiorno and Redcats.