AFP in the news

Video verification on the web: AFP partner of the InVID european project

In January 2016, an international research group involving Agence France-Presse (AFP) started a three year “Innovation Action” to detect fake videos and eliminate them from news reports and protect the reputations of responsible media providers.

The aim of this undertaking, which is being carried out as part of a co-funded Horizon 2020 EU project, is to identify news-relevant videos on social networks, verify the presented content and professionally clear the usage rights with content creators. This will avoid the inadvertent use of fake or manipulated videos by serious media outlets and alleviate the considerable effort involved in ensuring the authenticity of news reports.

Based on the annotations and metadata, which include information about the user, location and time of recording, it will be possible to carry out an initial ranking of the videos. The subsequent verification process is focused on videos that are very likely to be relevant and reliable.

The verification process will also determine whether the video has already been featured on the web in a different context, and whether it has been technically manipulated in some way. When all the checks have been completed and the outcome is positive, other components of the InVID platform will support the clarification of the legal issues concerning the use of the video. These include the identification of the video producer and the negotiation and contractual regulation of associated rights and suitable remuneration for them, if applicable. Innovative data analyses and visualizations will be used for all of these processes.

For more information see:


About InVID: 

InVID (In Video Veritas – Verification of Social Media Video Content for the News Industry) is an Innovation Action that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687786. InVID started in January 2016 and will run until December 2018. Its goal is to build a platform providing services to detect, authenticate and check the reliability and accuracy of newsworthy video files and video content spread via social media. The project is coordinated by CERTH (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece), and the consortium’s partners are MODUL Technology GmbH (Austria), Universitat de Lleida (Spain), EXO MAKINA (France), webLyzard technology GmbH (Austria), Condat AG (Germany), APA-IT Informations Technologie GmbH (Austria), Agence France Presse (France), and Deutsche Welle (Germany).